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Telehealth Therapy East Peoria IL

Make Counseling Easier with Telehealth Therapy in East Peoria IL

An illustration representing Telehealth Therapy in East Peoria IL

Although counseling is necessary for many individuals, it is not always easy to make it to the next session. Between busy schedules, transportation arrangements, and convenience, many people discontinue attending therapy sessions when it truly begins to make a difference. Thankfully, for those who have trouble attending traditional, in-person therapy sessions, there’s an alternative: telehealth therapy in East Peoria IL. If you are interested in counseling via telehealth sessions, call the mental health professionals at Chapin & Russell Associates!

The Benefits of Telehealth Therapy

Telehealth therapy looks to resolve many of the obstacles that prevent individuals from attending counseling sessions. Through telehealth services, clients can choose the “when” and “where” for their sessions. Moreover, telehealth sessions can offer clients flexibility and comfort they might not otherwise receive with traditional, in-person counseling.

  • On Your Schedule – There are barely enough hours in the day to get what you need to do done, so how can you fit in counseling? Telehealth is the answer! Telehealth sessions can be done at times that are most convenient to you. Whether on your lunch break, drive home, after work, or anytime else, you can attend sessions that fit best with your schedule.
  • Where You Want It – Not everyone has the time or means to make it to an office for therapy sessions. Thankfully, telehealth therapy doesn’t require you to be in an office. In the privacy of your car, home, or even on your patio; have your counseling session where you feel the most comfortable!
  • Comfortable Environment – There’s nothing more comfortable than being in your own home. At Chapin & Russell Associates, we understand this and how your comfort level can impact your therapy. Being in a familiar environment during counseling helps clients be more open with their feelings and receptive to new thoughts and ideas.
  • Consistency – Therapy is a process, and like many of life’s most difficult challenges, it takes time and effort to complete successfully. However, progress can be interrupted if counseling sessions are missed too often, which is more likely with in-person sessions. To ensure progress continues to be made, and treatment is successful, telehealth therapy can help you stay on track with your counseling.

Our Therapy Services

Whether via telehealth therapy for East Peoria IL, or through our traditional counseling services, Chapin & Russell Associates cover various mental health areas for our clients. Our counselors specialize in multiple areas of expertise, allowing clients to be matched with a counselor that best fits their mental health needs. Our counseling office manages therapy services for:

A woman talking with her counselor during Telehealth Therapy in East Peoria IL

Talk with a Therapist

Ensure you receive the mental health treatment you need through telehealth therapy in East Peoria IL provided by Chapin & Russell Associates. To learn more about our counseling services or schedule a session, contact us today at 309-681-5850. We are located at 3020 W Willow Knolls Dr, Suite 2, Peoria, IL 61614.