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Telehealth Counseling Washington IL

An illustration of a woman with clouds over her head, talking with a therapist on the phone, representing Telehealth Counseling in Washington IL

Therapy At Your Convenience: Consider Telehealth Counseling in Washington IL

Do you want to make positive steps towards improving your mental health but can’t find the time for it? You’re not the only one! Countless individuals throughout the United States continue to forgo mental health services due to time, location, convenience, and additional obstacles. At Chapin & Russell Associates, we understand our clients’ concerns surrounding in-office sessions; that’s why we also offer telehealth counseling in Washington IL and the surrounding communities. No matter where you are, or the time of day, you can talk to one of Chapin & Russell Associates’ therapists.

Why Pick Telehealth Counseling

As mentioned, several factors make it challenging to work consistent counseling sessions into your schedule. However, therapy is crucial for maintaining a healthy brain and balanced lifestyle. For this reason, Chapin & Russell Associates strives to make our general counseling services more accessible to Central Illinois residents. Telehealth counseling can alleviate concerns over:

  • Time Constraints – Eight-hour workdays combined with child care, meal prep, house cleaning, running errands, and other chores don’t leave time for much else. Thankfully, telehealth counseling can fit conveniently into the downtime of your day. Whether on a lunch break, drive home, or after work hours, sessions can be adjusted according to your schedule.
  • Privacy – Counseling is a personal matter for most people. As such, it’s something that affords an increased amount of privacy. However, as private and comfortable as Chapin & Russell Associates’ offices are, there’s no beating the comfort and privacy of your home. For those who wish to achieve this level of privacy, telehealth therapy is the only way.
  • Location – Driving and transportation are something we can sometimes take for granted. In truth, not everyone always has access to reliable transportation from week to week. If such is the case, traveling to an office for counseling can cause more stress than it is worth. For instances where you can’t make in-office sessions work, telehealth counseling is a perfectly viable alternative.
  • Consistency – Like any effort to improve a part of yourself, it takes some work and consistency. However, consistency can be challenging if you cannot reliably make it to in-office counseling sessions. Thankfully, telehealth counseling is much simpler to manage. With a phone or computer, you can talk to your therapist anywhere and ensure you stay consistent with sessions.

What Does Telehealth Counseling Cover?

There’s not a practice or service Chapin & Russell Associates offers that isn’t also offered for our telehealth counseling in Washington IL. Whether you prefer in-office or out-of-office sessions, you can find the counselor for treating your unique mental health concerns with Chapin & Russell Associates. Our general counseling services cover:

A happy man talking with their therapist on the computer during Telehealth Counseling in Washington IL

Meet with Our Counselors

If you want consistent therapy but there are too many obstacles in your way, make attending sessions easier with telehealth counseling in Washington IL, from Chapin & Russell Associates. To learn more about our counseling services and neurofeedback treatment or schedule a session, call 309-681-5850. Chapin & Russell Associates’ main office is located at 3020 W Willow Knolls Dr, Ste #2, Peoria, IL 61614.