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Telehealth Counseling Peoria IL

Counseling is More Accessible Through Telehealth Counseling in Peoria IL

Woman during Telehealth Counseling in Peoria IL

Committing to something new can be challenging for anyone. It can be especially difficult to get started when it comes to counseling. Counseling is a choice for many and something everyone should be able to seek out easily. If the last few years have been any indication, maintaining your mental health is as important as staying physically fit. Now, with Illinois’ push to expand mental health services throughout the state, telehealth counseling in Peoria IL is a viable option for our clients. To discuss telehealth therapy and counseling, call Chapin & Russell Associates today.

The Advantages of Telehealth

The primary goal of telehealth is to make health services more accessible to those in need. For counseling, telehealth has become integral to administering our services. While we still host sessions in-office, we believe one’s ability to meet in person should not hinder mental health treatment. Thus, our telehealth services are beneficial for reasons like:

  • Location – For many, driving to a counselor’s office isn’t something that can be easily done. Some lack access to vehicles, while others can’t justify the time it takes to commute. Thankfully, telehealth takes traveling out of the equation. As long as you have access to a computer with video conferencing capabilities or phone, you can easily connect with your counselor.
  • Time – Some individuals wish they could begin counseling but believe they don’t have the time to do so. Truthfully, if you’re a working adult with a family and additional responsibilities, it can be challenging to find time for therapy. With telehealth, scheduling with a counselor is simplified. Our team can fit counseling sessions into a timeframe that works best for you.
  • Privacy and Comfort – While Chapin & Russell strives to offer an office environment that’s comfortable and inviting, it simply isn’t your home. For many, a lack of privacy and not experiencing a certain comfort level is a deal-breaker for counseling. Conversely, telehealth allows you greater privacy and the opportunity to be as comfortable as you desire. You can actively engage in therapy sessions on your couch, recliner, or at your kitchen table.
  • Consistency – As any counselor will tell you, consistency is essential when focusing on mental health. Unfortunately, in-person sessions aren’t always as consistent as they should be, with obstacles such as child care, illness, bad weather or extracurriculars getting in the way. However, with telehealth, many of these obstacles are easily overcome.

Counseling Options

Another advantage to telehealth counseling in Peoria IL is there are no limits to the counseling we offer. Chapin & Russell’s counselors can still offer professional insight and guidance for all your primary counseling needs, including:

Couple doing Telehealth Counseling in Peoria IL

Contact Our Office

If you are interested in counseling but concerned about having access to counselors, ask Chapin & Russell Associates about telehealth counseling for Peoria IL. Contact us today at 309-681-5850 to schedule an appointment. We are located at 3020 W Willow Knolls Dr, Ste #2, Peoria, IL 61614.