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How Do You Calm Anxiety?

A man implementing breathing exercises to Calm Anxiety

What Are Some Common Ways to Manage Anxiety Disorders?

Do you have trouble sitting still? Can you not “turn off” your brain? Do you feel panicked at random or inopportune moments? You’re likely contending with anxiety. While it’s common to feel anxious once in a while, feelings of anxiety should never persist. Thankfully, if you find yourself struggling with anxiety, there are some simple ways you can manage it and calm yourself in the short term. Or, for more consistent anxiety troubles, there are methods and ways to treat the disorder in the long term. Talk to Chapin & Russell Associates today to discover how to take charge of your anxiety.

How Can You Deal with Anxiety in the Short Term?

When you begin to feel stressed or anxious, there are ways to calm your mind and body. While none of these methods are guaranteed and will not resolve the underlying cause of anxiety, they can relax you in the moment, helping you regain control and center yourself. Next time you find yourself unable to calm down, see how you react to some of these relaxation techniques:

  • Deep Breathing Exercises – Focus on taking slow, deep breaths. Inhale through your nose, hold for a count of five, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat several times.
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation – Tense each muscle group in your body for a few seconds, then relax them. Start from your toes and work your way up to your head.
  • Mindfulness Meditation – Sit in a quiet place and pay attention to your breathing or body sensations. When your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your focus point.
  • Aromatherapy – Use calming scents like lavender, chamomile, or sandalwood in oils, candles, or diffusers to create a relaxing atmosphere.
  • Physical Activity – Exercise or go for a walk. Physical activity can produce endorphins, which are natural stress relievers.
  • Limit Caffeine and Sugar Intake – These substances can increase anxiety levels and make it harder to calm down.
  • Guided Imagery – Listen to guided imagery or visualization recordings to help your mind focus on positive images and scenarios.
  • Grounding Techniques – When you feel overwhelmed, find five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. This can help bring you back to the present.

How Can You Deal with Anxiety in the Long Term?

A woman talking with a counselor, discussing How to Calm Anxiety

As mentioned, the above techniques are helpful for calming immediate anxiousness but don’t address the source of anxiety. Thankfully, with help from Chapin & Russell Associates, we can set you on the path towards a calmer mind and disposition. Whether through psychotherapy, neurofeedback therapy, or other methods, we can help you find the proper treatment for your anxiety disorders.

  • Psychotherapy – Through therapy, the counselors at Chapin & Russell Associates delve deep into the underlying causes of your anxiety. We help uncover any stressors, worries, and fears contributing to your anxiety. Once we understand what’s impacting your emotional dysregulation, we teach you additional methods for how to cope with anxiety, how to avoid its triggers and how to overcome potential stressors.
  • Neurofeedback Treatment – Except for Chapin & Russell Associates, no other counseling office in the Greater Peoria area offers board-certified neurofeedback treatment. Through this unique treatment method, we identify irregular brainwaves impacting anxiety and help clients retrain their brains to take control, facilitating healthier functioning and living.
  • Medication – If symptoms of anxiety are severe enough, medication can help. A psychiatrist can help diagnose anxiety disorders and prescribe medication for treating anxiety and its symptoms. However, even this treatment approach benefits considerably from continued psychotherapy, as medication targets anxiety’s symptoms, not its underlying cause.

Discuss Anxiety Treatment with Chapin & Russell Associates

No matter the severity of your anxiety or your mental health challenges, Central Illinois residents trust Chapin & Russell Associates for reliable counseling services. For guidance on how to best calm anxiety, schedule an appointment with a Chapin & Russell Associates therapist by calling 309-681-5850. Our main office is located at 3020 W Willow Knolls Dr, Peoria, IL 61614.