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How Can You Help Treat Depression?

What Can Be Done When Depression Gets the Best of You?

Man exercising to Help Treat Depression?

We all contend with depressed feelings from time to time, and sometimes these can turn into clinical depression. Whether a life event has gotten you down, work has you stressed, or a relationship has put you in a challenging position, there are any number of reasons why you might feel depressed. However, with as many reasons as there are to experience depression, there are just as many solutions to resolving it. Some solutions are simple, while others can be slightly more complicated. You can start by doing a few things for yourself to see what helps. But, if your depression doesn’t seem to get much better, talking with Chapin & Russell Associates is the next best step to take.

What Can You Do Yourself?

While Chapin & Russell Associates’ first recommendation for depression treatment is always counseling, there are a few ways you can minimize or control depression yourself without intervention from counselors or medication. However, it’s worth noting the below strategies for combatting depression work best in conjunction with consistent, focused treatment from a trained depression therapist.


Meditation and yoga are often found to be practical tools for managing one’s depression. Finding a spare moment in your day to center yourself and focus on mindfulness is enough for many individuals going through a depressive episode. Through meditation, you can significantly reduce stress levels, enhance emotional health, and increase self-awareness. Ultimately, the idea of meditation is to detach your mind from depressive thoughts and feelings to create a healthy mental state. Best of all, meditation and yoga are simple, don’t take up much time, and can be done almost anywhere.


While meditation is about settling your mind and body, exercise is about staying actively engaged. Not to mention, exercise is scientifically proven to reduce depression in individuals. While some depression treatments and medication can take weeks to months to work, the effects of exercise on mental health are immediately apparent. When engaging in significant physical activity, your body produces endorphins, “feel-good” hormones that naturally elevate your mood and reduce feelings of pain. Additionally, exercise can serve as a temporary distraction or escape for those constantly battling negative thoughts. Plus, the added benefits of weight loss and increased endurance are enough to build anyone’s self-confidence.


If you are lonely, it’s easier to fall into depression. However, if you stay social with others, research has found it can lead to a longer and healthier life. Through social interaction, you can drastically reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, common factors that contribute to depression. Engaging in conversations and shared activities or quietly spending time with loved ones can be enough to promote feelings of belonging and support. Also, having someone to talk to when times are tough can do wonders for your mental state, similar to how talking with a therapist can relieve stress. Any moments of laughter and enjoyment you share with others are natural ways to boost your mood and fight depressive thoughts.

Healthy Eating

It might seem insignificant, but a healthy, balanced diet can make all the difference in your emotional state. Again, science has much to do with the positive effects of healthy eating on mental health. By consuming foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, inflammation in the brain (caused by depression) is reduced. For example, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish like salmon contribute to improved brain health and reduce symptoms of depression. Similarly, a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein can fuel your brain to function at full capacity. Carbohydrates, while they must be consumed in moderation, also produce serotonin, another “feel-good” neurotransmitter.

A man using meditation to Help Treat Depression?

Do You Need Some Guidance?

If your efforts to combat depression yourself don’t seem to be enough, that’s where Chapin & Russell Associates can assist. We work closely with our clients to uncover the source of depression rather than only treat its symptoms. Your therapist will also recommend additional coping techniques in addition to the ones mentioned above. Furthermore, we can connect our clients with psychiatric evaluations to determine if medication for depression is necessary. Or, unique to our office, Chapin & Russell can provide neurofeedback treatment for our clients, an effective method of retraining your brain to more easily cope with depression.

If you wish to learn more about depression and how you can treat it, talk with the counselors at Chapin & Russell Associates today. You can schedule a session with one of our trained mental health professionals by calling 309-681-5850. Chapin & Russell Associates’ main office is located at 3020 W Willow Knolls Dr, Peoria, IL 61614.