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Depression Counseling Peoria IL

Find Emotional Support Through Depression Counseling in Peoria IL

Feelings of sadness and depression are as common, but they can be unpredictable. From a death in the family to general “seasonal blues,” there are any number of reasons why you might be emotionally down. However, if depression isn’t subsiding and has begun to significantly impact your daily life, it might be more than a “one-off feeling.” No matter your reasons for feeling down, know you can always confide in a trained mental health professional through depression counseling in Peoria IL. If you wish to handle your emotions better, allow Chapin & Russell Associates to assist.

A woman talking with her therapist during Depression Counseling in Peoria IL

How Can Depression Counseling Help?

Talking with a mental health specialist is beneficial for a variety of reasons, treating your depression being one of them. Chapin & Russell Associates’ team is well-versed in depression counseling, understanding how to best assist those feeling associated symptoms. Thanks to therapy from Chapin & Russell, our clients benefit from:

  • Increased Understanding – Knowing all the potential triggers or causes for your depression can seem impossible to determine if doing so by yourself. By talking with a counselor, a trained mental health professional can help you identify the reasons behind your emotional dysregulation. By understanding your disorder and its causes, you can begin identifying potential stressors or triggers.
  • Alleviate Stress and Anxiety – Unfortunately, depression comes with a myriad of symptoms, with stress and anxiety being some of the most common and concerning. Thankfully, while getting to the root cause of your depression, a counselor can teach you ways to manage some of its worst symptoms. Whether simple breathing exercises or calming activities, a therapist can teach you methods for staying happy, calm, and emotionally regulated.
  • Gaining a New Perspective – It can be challenging to objectively look at ourselves, especially when one’s emotions always seem down. Sometimes, allowing an unbiased party to look at your behaviors, thoughts, and habits can reveal greater insight or a new perspective you were missing. By talking with a therapist, we help you discover yourself and the source of your depression.

What Are Treatment Options for Depression?

A man dealing with depression when waking up, needing Depression Counseling in Peoria IL

Depression counseling in Peoria IL entails several different counseling styles and/or interventions that get to the core of a client’s emotional dysregulation. In addition, for some of our clients looking for alternatives to standard counseling, Chapin & Russell Associates is one of Illinois’s few therapy offices offering neurofeedback treatment.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – This approach helps clients identify and change destructive thought patterns that lead to depressive symptoms. By modifying these thoughts, CBT fosters improved mood and functioning.
  • Relationship Therapy – This therapeutic approach, often employed in couples or family counseling, can be particularly beneficial for those whose depression may stem from relational issues.
  • Psychodynamic Therapy – Rooted in psychoanalysis, this therapy aims to bring unconscious or deeply buried thoughts and feelings to the conscious mind. This method can help clients understand the roots of their depression, leading to lasting resolution.
  • Neurofeedback Treatment – A state-of-the-art approach offered at Chapin & Russell Associates, neurofeedback treatment works by training the brain to function better. This non-invasive treatment can help reduce the symptoms of depression by improving brain function.

Talk with the Chapin & Russell Team

Chapin & Russell Associates is always here to help, offering depression counseling in Peoria IL for those who need it most. Additionally, we provide therapy for a wide range of practices, each led by trained therapists with specialties in their field. From grief and loss counseling to assertiveness training, you can always rely on Chapin & Russell Associates. To learn more about our counseling services or if you wish to schedule a session, call 309-681-5850. Chapin & Russell Associates’ main office is located at 3020 W Willow Knolls Dr, Ste #2, Peoria, IL 61614.