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Depression Counseling East Peoria IL

Seek Reliable Mental Health Treatment with Depression Counseling in East Peoria IL

Has trouble at work gotten you down? Are you feeling the impact of the “Holiday Blues?” Are you not sure why you’re feeling sad or depressed? You’re not alone. Countless individuals throughout Central Illinois contend with depression regularly. If depression and emotional dysregulation have begun to affect your work life, relationships, and overall motivation, it’s time to seek help from a professional. Thankfully, depression counseling in East Peoria IL is only a call away; talk with Chapin & Russell Associates counselors today.

A woman struggling with depression, considering going to Depression Counseling in East Peoria IL

Why Do You Need Depression Counseling?

It’s easy to think depression is something only you can resolve yourself. However, such thoughts couldn’t be further from the truth. Through depression counseling in East Peoria IL, not only can symptoms of depression be managed, but a therapist will help get to the root of its cause. Thanks to consistent depression therapy with Chapin & Russell Associates, our clients can expect:

  • Improved Mood Management – Counseling provides individuals with techniques to regulate emotional responses, promoting a healthier state of mind. From simple breathing exercises to mindfulness activities, our clients learn how to manage their emotions best.
  • Reduced Feelings of Hopelessness – It can be challenging to break out of a cycle of depression by yourself. Sometimes, an unbiased party gives you the insight you need. Therapists can provide new perspectives and coping strategies, counteracting feelings of despair and helplessness.
  • Enhanced Self-Esteem – When contending with depression, low self-esteem will only drive you lower, as you’ll never see yourself in a positive light. Through counseling, individuals can rebuild self-esteem by identifying and working through the root causes of their depression.
  • Better Sleep Patterns – Depression often disrupts sleep. Or lack of sleep can lead to increased symptoms of depression. Either way, depression and sleep are closely linked. A counselor will help you determine what is causing what and introduce helpful sleeping patterns into your routine.
  • Improved Relationship Dynamics – If you and your partner aren’t getting along, it’s natural to feel sad and emotionally dysregulated over your relationship’s status. Counseling provides tools to communicate more effectively and rebuild bonds with your partner, eliminating a potential source of depression.

How Can Chapin & Russell Assist?

A woman struggling with depression and talking with her therapist, during Depression Counseling in East Peoria IL

At Chapin & Russell Associates, we help treat the cause of depression and its symptoms through several proven counseling techniques. Each therapy method is effective, offering unique approaches to tackle depressive disorders and what works best for our clients. In addition to counseling, Chapin & Russell Associates is the only area therapy office that can treat depression through neurofeedback therapy.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – Through CBT, our therapists assist clients in understanding destructive thoughts and behaviors that contribute to depression. By eliminating and modifying these behaviors, our clients can experience greater emotional regulation.
  • Psychodynamic Therapy – Rather than thoughts and behaviors, psychodynamic therapy looks at the unconscious thoughts and feelings of an individual as the potential source of depression. By understanding depression’s source, our therapists can help clients find long-lasting resolutions.
  • Relationship Therapy – If your depression stems from familial or relationship concerns, working through those concerns with your loved ones can prove the most beneficial. Family or couples counseling allows everyone’s voice to be heard.
  • Neurofeedback Therapy – Neurofeedback therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses real-time displays of brain activity to promote self-regulation. This unique treatment helps our clients “retrain” their brains in ways that alleviate the causes and symptoms of depression rooted in brain dysregulation.

Talk with a Therapist Near You

As pervasive and inhibiting as depression can be, seeking reliable depression counseling in East Peoria IL is essential to your emotional well-being. Talk with the professionals at Chapin & Russell Associates today to get the treatment you deserve. You can learn more about our counseling services or schedule an appointment by calling 309-681-5850. Chapin & Russell Associates’ main office is located at 3020 W Willow Knolls Dr, Ste #2, Peoria, IL 61614.