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Couples Therapy Washington IL

Two partners putting a puzzle piece with a heart together, a representation mending the heart as the results of Couples Therapy in Washington IL

Strengthen Your Relationships Through Couples Therapy in Washington IL

Love can be a challenging emotion to understand. Even in a committed relationship, you and your partner can have different ideas of love. Sometimes, these disconnects can lead to miscommunication and arguments, causing unwanted tension in a relationship. If such is the case between you and your partner, talking with a trained mental health professional can help. Find common ground in your relationship through couples therapy in Washington IL. Call Chapin & Russell Associates to learn more.

Reasons to Seek Couples Therapy

Trouble with intimacy, trust, and communication can all lead to frustration and contention in a relationship. Additionally, continued fighting with your partner can mean no meaningful resolution to these issues. For these reasons, finding a counselor who can help address the issues in a relationship and provide meaningful solutions is essential. Our mental health professionals assist in resolving:

  • Intimacy Concerns
    • No two people are guaranteed to have the same love language. If you and your partner have trouble getting on the same page, talking with a counselor can help. Through counseling, we help both parties of a relationship better understand their wants and desires and propose methods for reigniting intimacy.
  • Trouble Communicating
    • When tensions are high, a simple miscommunication can lead to a full-blown argument, and the misunderstanding is still unresolved. Working with a therapist can teach partners to be better listeners and communicators to avoid the issues that poor communication can cause.
  • Loss of Trust
    • It’s hard to build trust, but incredibly easy to break. Trust can be lost in a relationship due to consistent lying, deceptions, and unfaithfulness. While these can be difficult challenges to overcome, working with a therapist can help. Through counseling, partners learn to forgive and rebuild their relationship on a foundation of trust and honesty.
  • Reaffirmation of Love
    • Even if there isn’t a particularly pressing issue plaguing your relationship, couples counseling can still strengthen the bonds between you and your partner. Guidance from our therapists can help your relationship avoid various roadblocks and foster the love and passion between the two of you.

In Addition to Assisting with Your Relationship

Partners on a couch talking with a therapist during Couples Therapy in Washington IL

Couples therapy in Washington IL isn’t the only counseling service Chapin & Russell Associates provides. Our professional therapists are well-versed in all areas of counseling, each with a unique focus geared towards the needs of our clients. Whether in-office or as a telehealth session, our mental health professionals provide counseling for:

Talk with a Counselor

The love you share between you and your partner must be cherished. Help mend and strengthen the bonds of your relationship through couples therapy in Washington IL from Chapin & Russell Associates. To learn more about our counseling services or additional mental health treatment like neurofeedback therapy, call 309-681-5850. Chapin & Russell Associates’ main office is located at 3020 W Willow Knolls Dr, Ste #2, Peoria, IL 61614.