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Couples Therapy Peoria IL

A couple getting along during Couples Therapy Peoria IL

Mend Relationships Through Couples Therapy in Peoria IL

Have you and your partner been arguing more lately? Has there been dishonesty between you and your significant other? Are you beginning to feel resentment more than love toward your spouse? You’re not alone, as many couples face daily challenges in their relationships. The problems arise when couples don’t address these issues, possibly leading to eventual separation. With couples therapy in Peoria IL, your partner and you can overcome negative emotions and begin restoring your relationship. Learn more about the benefits of couples therapy by talking with Chapin & Russell Associates.


Why Seek Couples Therapy?

The occasional argument or disagreement doesn’t necessarily mean you need couples therapy in Peoria IL. However, when those arguments grow more frequent, or issues of trust arise between loved ones, there comes a need for a counselor to step in. At Chapin & Russell Associates, we’ve helped couples experiencing issues involving:

  • Miscommunication – Some of the worst arguments and disagreements are often borne from a misunderstanding between partners. When there is a lack of healthy communication skills, these misunderstandings will only get worse. A trained therapist can help teach couples proper listening and communication skills.
  • Intimacy – As you and your partner grow older, intimacy between you can begin to fade. Our counselors help identify your intimacy needs and teach you how to respect and understand your partner’s love language.
  • Trust – It’s easy to break trust, but challenging to build it back. If you and your partner have experienced a significant loss of trust, it can seem impossible to trust again. Thankfully, with support and guidance from Chapin & Russell Associates, we can help heal trust in your relationship through honesty and transparency.

Talking with a Therapist

Partners holding hands during Couples Therapy in Peoria IL

Couples therapy in Peoria IL is vital for maintaining a happy and healthy relationship, just the same as general counseling is essential for your mental health. Chapin & Russell Associates specializes in a variety of counseling services for clients throughout Peoria IL, East Peoria IL, Pekin IL and the surrounding communities. Examples of our services include:

Call Our Office

When you and your significant other are ready to mend your relationship, seek couples therapy in Peoria IL from Chapin & Russell Associates’ mental health professionals. To learn more about our services or schedule an appointment, contact us today at 309-681-5850. We are located at 3020 W Willow Knolls Dr, Suite 2, Peoria, IL 61614.