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Couples Therapy Dunlap IL

Two partners holding hands during Couples Therapy in Dunlap IL

Make Progress in Your Relationship with Couples Therapy in Dunlap IL

Whether in a committed marriage or dating, maintaining a healthy and happy relationship can be challenging! From minor disagreements to concerns over trust and honesty, any number of issues can cause contention between you and your partner. Thankfully, there are effective methods for mending and strengthening your relationship. Through couples therapy in Dunlap IL, Chapin & Russell Associates can identify points of contention and provide helpful guidance for reaching a favorable resolution.

Signs of a Relationship in Distress

Problems in a relationship don’t happen overnight. Often, negative feelings between partners fester over long periods, developing further issues that prevent proper resolution. In what’s known as “The Four Horsemen” of negative behaviors, as established by psychologist and couples counseling expert Dr. John Gottman, these are the four behaviors that indicate a relationship needing counseling intervention. It’s time to seek couples therapy if you and your partner are experiencing:

  • Criticism – There’s a significant difference between offering a critique and criticizing an individual. For example, voicing a complaint can be done in a way that doesn’t attack your partner but lets them know something they’ve done upsets you. Conversely, criticism more directly targets one’s behaviors and attacks characteristics, which can lead to self-esteem issues or feelings of contempt.
  • Contempt – Speaking of contempt, this is the next Horsemen of negative behaviors. When you treat your partner with disrespect, ridicule or sarcasm, it can create feelings of resentment between you. Contempt results from festering negative thoughts that lead to one or both partners believing they are in a position of superiority.
  • Defensiveness – As a direct response to criticism, defensiveness is also a sign your relationship can use the support of counseling. Making excuses and playing the victim when feeling accused or attacked, while you might feel justified in doing so, does little to resolve your or your partner’s concerns. Especially if “polite” criticism is warranted and a partner is defensive, this shows a lack of understanding of the other party’s perspective.
  • Stonewalling – A common response to contempt is stonewalling, the final of the negative behavior Horsemen. When a partner continues to undergo abusive or toxic treatment, instead of tackling why such treatment occurs, they emotionally shut down. While stonewalling for some is a way to protect from further mental hurt, it only allows behaviors to worsen.

Find Therapy Treatment Matched to Your Needs

A happy couple having an excellent session of Couples Therapy in Dunlap IL

Couples therapy in Dunlap IL might be key to mending your relationship, but it won’t address more personal issues that impact your emotional well-being. Thankfully, Chapin & Russell Associates are more than couples therapists. We provide professional counseling services for various areas, matching clients with counselors who best understand their unique mental health concerns. We offer therapy treatment for:

Find the Right Counselor for Your Relationship

When you notice signs of a relationship on the rocks, it’s no time to be complaisant! Seek professional assistance from Chapin & Russell Associates through our couples therapy in Dunlap IL. To learn more about our in-office and telehealth counseling services, contact us at 309-681-5850. Chapin & Russell Associates’ main office is located at 3020 W Willow Knolls Dr, Ste #2, Peoria, IL 61614.