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Anxiety Management Peoria IL

An illustration of a man getting stressed by tasks on a computer, needing help with Anxiety Management in Peoria IL

Keep Anxiety in Check with Anxiety Management in Peoria IL

It’s normal to have feelings of anxiety. Whether you’re nervous about an upcoming test or worried over rising energy costs, such anxious feelings will eventually pass. However, anxiety management in Peoria IL is a real solution when anxiety becomes a more chronic problem, causing disruptions to your daily life. Through counseling at Chapin & Russell Associates, you can learn the best methods for reducing your anxiety and restoring your confidence.

What Causes Your Anxiety?

Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of triggers for one’s anxiety. While the triggers may differ from person to person, the distress anxiety can create is well known. Thus, it can be helpful to understand some common causes of anxiety and what can be done to avoid or resolve them. Some contributing factors include:

  • Significant Life Events – Life’s daily challenges can be a primary source of anxiety. Work and job changes are enough to induce nervousness or fear for the future. Even more positive events, such as the birth of a child or buying a new home, can bring a level of anxiety. Other highly stressful life events include the death of a loved one, broken relationships, changes in living arrangements, etc.
  • Personal Health Issues – If either your physical or mental health is on the decline, anxiety can stem from fear about your wellbeing. While any physical health problem can cause anxiety, some more commonly associated illnesses include heart disease, diabetes, cancer, asthma, and hypertension. Anxiety can also be a symptom that accompanies numerous other mental health disorders.
  • Conflicts with Personality – Individuals’ personality traits can significantly influence levels of stress and anxiety. For example, perfectionists tend to feel anxious if they don’t complete a task to their high level of standards. Or, for those who are shy or have low self-esteem, social anxiety can develop merely by interacting with others.

How Can Anxiety Be Managed?

A woman staying calm and talking advantage of Anxiety Management in Peoria IL

Many safe and effective anxiety management treatment options are available through Chapin & Russell Associates in Peoria IL. By working with our counselors and psychologists, you can identify a treatment method that works best for your situation.

  • Psychotherapy – Also known as talk therapy, psychotherapy can address the root cause of your anxiety and find solutions for coping with or reducing it. Some types of psychotherapy we use include cognitive-behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, interpersonal therapy, and more.
  • Medication – While medication does not resolve the root cause of your anxiety, it can help minimize its symptoms and help you normally function. Our counselors and psychologists can work with your primary care physician or psychiatrist to determine whether medication is appropriate for managing your anxiety.
  • Neurotherapy – If you’d like another drug-free method for treating anxiety symptoms, neurotherapy might be your answer. Using neurotherapy, we monitor your brain’s electrical signals and evaluate how your brain reacts to specific stimulation (images, videos, games). Using the information we collect, we can identify mental activities and techniques best for reducing your symptoms of anxiety.

Talk with Our Team

If your anxiety has reached a point where it’s constant and affecting your daily life, it’s time to seek anxiety management in Peoria IL. Give the counselors at Chapin & Russell Associates a call today. Contact us at 309-681-5850 to ask about our additional counseling services or schedule an appointment. We are located at 3020 W Willow Knolls Dr, Suite 2, Peoria, IL 61614.