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General Counseling Services East Peoria IL

An illustration of a man on a couch talking to a therapist, representing General Counseling Services in East Peoria IL

Find Helpful General Counseling Services in East Peoria IL

Are you unsure whether counseling is right for you? It’s okay to feel tentative about talking with a counselor at first. However, it’s worth knowing that whatever mental health issues you are contending with, you are not alone. Studies have shown that one out of every five American adults lives with a mental health condition. Even for those who don’t have a diagnosed mental health condition, it’s common to struggle with your mental health now and again. If you are facing emotional dysregulation and mental health problems yourself, general counseling services in East Peoria IL can help. Talk with the counselors at Chapin & Russell Associates today to find a therapy treatment right for you.

Why Choose Therapy?

Truthfully, you won’t know how therapy affects you until you try! However, if you are still concerned about whether therapy is your best option, Chapin & Russell Associates can speak from experience. For years, we’ve helped hundreds of clients throughout Central Illinois overcome the personal and emotional struggles they’ve faced. We’ve seen many clients come away from therapy refreshed and renewed, with new outlooks on life. Here are some questions you can ask yourself when considering therapy:

  • Have Recent Events Significantly Impacted Your Life? – From the birth of a child to a death in the family, any significant life events can impact your emotional state. Talking with a counselor can help you make sense of everything and learn how to contend with new life changes, good or bad.
  • Do You Have Control Over Your Emotions? – It’s common to feel multiple emotions in a day. However, it’s much less common and significantly more debilitating if your emotions become extreme, erratic, and frequently change. A therapist can help determine the reason for your emotional dysregulation and teach strategies for managing your emotions.
  • Are You Struggling to Maintain Your Relationships? – It takes a lot of work to maintain a relationship, whether as friends, family or romantic partners. If you feel you have trouble getting along with the loved ones in your life, despite your efforts, a counselor can assist by teaching effective communication and listening skills.
  • Do You Not Know What’s Wrong? – Sometimes, our mental health can get the best of us, and we don’t know why or how. Whether your mental health problems stem from past trauma, ongoing stress, genetic disposition, or something else, a therapist can help you understand the source and recommend effective treatment options.

What Are Your Counseling Options?

A woman suffering from stress, being consoled by her therapist during General Counseling Services in East Peoria IL

Can general counseling services in East Peoria IL address your unique mental health issues? At Chapin & Russell Associates, they absolutely can. We don’t apply a “one solution fits all” approach to any work we do with clients. Instead, we get to know our clients, their wants, needs, and emotional struggles and match you with a counselor that can best address your specific mental health concerns. As such, we’ve managed counseling for:

Contact Our Office

Don’t be afraid to talk with a counselor about your mental health! Seek reliable, welcoming general counseling services in East Peoria IL, from mental health professionals who care; give Chapin & Russell Associates a call today. To learn more about our counseling services or schedule an appointment, contact us at 309-681-5850. We are located at 3020 W Willow Knolls Dr #2, Peoria, IL 61614.