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Burnout Therapy Peoria IL

Images of people with their batteries being drained, needing burnout therapy in Peoria IL

Feeling Stressed or Overworked? Seek Burnout Therapy in Peoria IL

If you find yourself in a constant state of emotional distress or exhaustion that you can’t seem to overcome, you might be experiencing symptoms of burnout. Unfortunately, for many hard-working individuals, burnout is something that’s easy to experience but difficult to resolve. That’s why Chapin & Russell Associates provides essential counseling and treatment for burnout and its symptoms through our burnout therapy in Peoria IL. Call our counselors today to get your burnout treatment started.

What is Burnout?

Burnout is a form of exhaustion and is most often related to work. An individual that experiences burnout might feel overwhelmed or unable to keep up. Burnout can result when people push themselves past their limits with minimal rest or social interaction. Additionally, if someone feels like they aren’t progressing or producing positive results, it can lead to frustration and burnout. These same individuals might also feel an obligation to continue pushing forward, despite the exhaustion, which can lead to physical and emotional symptoms like:

  • Fatigue
  • Illness
  • Stomach Problems
  • Headaches
  • Lack of Motivation
  • Feelings of Helplessness
  • Increased Feelings of Cynicism
  • Inability to Feel Satisfaction

How Can Burnout Be Treated?

Good news! As problematic as burnout can be to your physical and mental health, it can be treated. Through interventions aimed at treating the underlying causes of burnout, Chapin & Russell Associates has helped countless individuals overcome exhaustion and learn how to manage their lives better to prevent future burnout. Additionally, we treat individuals experiencing burnout through neurofeedback as a part of our Rejuvenate Program.

  • Therapy – By using cognitive behavioral therapy interventions, Chapin & Russell Associates addresses the causes of your burnout, discusses additional contributing factors, helps you develop new organization and communication skills, and puts a plan that balances work and relaxation in place. Additionally, if participating in our Rejuvenate Program, we recommend continued counseling to reinforce the effectiveness of neurofeedback treatment.
  • Neurofeedback Treatment – Advancements in brain science, QEEG, and computer technology show promise in addressing burnout and its emotional, behavioral, and cognitive effects. Research on biofeedback and neurofeedback training demonstrates sleep, anxiety, stress, trauma, emotional balance, and cognitive functioning benefits. With the Rejuvenate Program, Chapin & Russell Associates offers neurofeedback training to treat burnout symptoms.

Looking for Additional Counseling Services?

A woman suffering from fatigue and stress and needing Burnout Therapy in Peoria IL

Burnout therapy in Peoria IL is only one focus of Chapin & Russell Associates’ counselors. We provide extensive counseling services for individuals, couples and families seeking to better manage symptoms of anxiety, depression, and overall emotional dysregulation. No matter the challenges you face, Chapin & Russell Associates can match a counselor to your unique needs. Our general counseling services cover:

Call Our Office Today

When work and life have you feeling overworked and overwhelmed, find an effective treatment for your exhaustion through burnout therapy in Peoria IL, from Chapin & Russell Associates. To learn more or schedule an appointment, contact us today at 309-681-5850. We are located at 3020 W Willow Knolls Dr #2, Peoria, IL 61614.