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Peoria Telehealth Counseling

Illustration of woman talking to therapist via video chat during Peoria Telehealth Counseling

Make Time for Your Mental Health with Peoria Telehealth Counseling

You wouldn’t put off getting a sore arm or bad cough checked by a doctor, and the same should be said for your mental health! However, making time for consistent counseling can prove challenging and isn’t always manageable for those without proper means of transportation or flexibility. For this reason, Chapin & Russell Associates now offers Peoria telehealth counseling services. Find the help you need to treat symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression all from the comfort of your home.

How Virtual Sessions are an Excellent Alternative to Traditional Therapy

Some counselors will tell you that in-person sessions benefit their clients most. However, counselors also acknowledge that making it to the office for every session isn’t always realistic for everyone. That being so, telehealth counseling proves to be an effective alternative. Thanks to telehealth therapy sessions, clients experience:

  • More Manageable Schedules
    • Commuting to work, picking up the kids from school, running errands, etc. can cut significantly into anyone’s day, not leaving time for much else. Thankfully, telehealth sessions are much easier to fit into a schedule than in-office visits. Telehealth therapy allows clients to attend sessions in their free time when travel isn’t possible, like during a lunch break or while waiting for your kids to finish their extracurriculars.
  • Sessions in a Comfortable Environment
    • At Chapin & Russell Associates, our counselors do everything we can to make in-office therapy as comfortable as possible. Admittedly, as comfortable as we can make our facilities, it’s hard to beat the comfort of your home. Through telehealth counseling, you can attend sessions where you’re most at ease, whether in bed, at your kitchen table, or your local coffee shop.
  • Fewer Stressors
    • Scheduling weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly counseling sessions and planning your day around making it to Chapin & Russell Associates’ office can provide more stress for someone than it’s worth. Especially considering therapy aims to identify and reduce stressors in your life, why make more stress for yourself? Hence, many individuals find Peoria telehealth counseling more effective and stress-reducing than in-person therapy.

Counseling Services Offered Through Telehealth

At Chapin & Russell Associates, you can expect the same level of quality counseling, care and mental health treatment as you would expect with in-person therapy. We employ mental health professionals well-versed in various practices to ensure we can offer all our clients targeted, well-rounded therapy treatment. Our counseling services cover:

A counselor talking with their client via computer during Peoria Telehealth Counseling

Talk with a Counselor

Peoria telehealth counseling is the therapy alternative you need when in-office therapy isn’t manageable for your schedule and personal needs. To get started with telehealth and schedule your first session, talk with the counselors at Chapin & Russell Associates today! To learn more about our counseling services, contact us today at 309-681-5850. We are located at 3020 W Willow Knolls Dr, #2, Peoria, IL 61614.