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Telehealth Counseling Near You

Woman talking with counselor during Telehealth Counseling Near You

Easily Access Counselors Via Telehealth Counseling Near You

While counseling is an essential service many individuals in Central Illinois need, not everyone can easily begin the process. Maintaining a consistent connection with a counselor can prove challenging for many, especially over the last few years. Thankfully, Chapin & Russell Associates offers telehealth services for those without the time or means to meet in person. If interested in telehealth counseling near you, give our mental health professionals a call.

Counseling Wherever and Whenever

For some people, barriers like time constraints, lack of transportation, lack of childcare, etc., can make it challenging to get to counseling appointments consistently. To help address these concerns, telehealth therapy provides another option to those who are seeking counseling. The purpose of telehealth services is to enable anyone to access counseling, no matter when or where. Benefits of telehealth counseling include:

  • Flexible Times – If you work a 9 to 5 job, take care of children, manage your household, or have other obligations, it is likely you don’t have extra time. Thankfully, telehealth counseling eliminates the travel time before and after sessions allowing you to more easily fit it into your daily schedule. Our counselors are available for online sessions at times that are convenient for you. Some counselors even offer evening and weekend hours.
  • Location of Your Choosing – Finding a counselor that best suits your needs can also be limited by their office location. Telehealth services eliminate that hurdle. You can talk with a counselor anywhere if you have a phone or computer with internet access.
  • Comfort and Privacy – While mental health care has become widely accepted throughout the United States, some individuals still find counseling services embarrassing or anxiety-provoking. Telehealth counseling near you makes it possible for you to enjoy the comfort and privacy of your own home while receiving these services. In this way, telehealth can alleviate much of the discomfort associated with counseling.
  • Consistent Counseling – No one knows what the next week will bring. Changes in schedule or unexpected events can interfere with planned counseling sessions. It is important to note that keeping consistent attendance with counseling appointments is key to therapy’s success. Telehealth counseling is flexible and can be changed and adjusted to fit a client’s changing schedule from week to week. This makes it possible to keep up with consistent counseling, even when scheduling conflicts arise.

Our Counseling Services

Chapin & Russell Associates offers flexible and manageable counseling through telehealth services and employs counselors well-versed in all types of mental health services. Such variety allows us to match our clients with the counselors that can best meet their therapy needs. Chapin & Russell Associates’ counselors can provide guidance for mental health concerns like:

Illustration of man talking to counselor on telephone, representing Telehealth Counseling Near You

Contact Our Office

There’s no reason to continue neglecting your mental health with telehealth counseling near you! Ensure you get the guidance and support you require with help from Chapin & Russell Associates’ counselors. To schedule a session, contact us today at 309-681-5850. We are located at 3020 W Willow Knolls Dr, Suite 2, Peoria, IL 61614.